One would think he had gone to London to do fulfil the grocery list for the month.
The man was most insistent on having the 'tapau-ed' hummus from Hummus Brothers for dinner. I thought he'd be wanting something else because he practically ate there everyday. Well, besides being one of the cheapest eats in London (apprx £6 per pax), it's also one of the healthiest. The man loves hummus. So do I. Not very surprisingly, we don't mind hummus for dinner.
This plate of hummus is out of this world. Very different from the usual. There's something in the tahini that they use. It's extremely flavorful- homemade with special ingredients. We can't put our finger on it. It taste like peanut butter. But we know they can't just put peanut butter randomly because of customers with allergies and the eatery isn't insensitive like that. Quite mind boggling. We're now thinking furiously what could those secret ingredients be.
The man opened the various exciting tubs and set about prepping dinner. Topped with chickpeas, brown field mushrooms, green salsa, sprinkled with paprika and drizzled with olive oil and the store's special lemon juice, this plate of hummus blew my mind.
I normally don't take chickpeas unless they're done correctly. In this case, I love them chickpeas! I polished off a whole piece of bread and ate chunks of hummus. Totally totally delicious.
you're so lucky you know!! *burp*
looking at that plate made me happy, lol.
so lucky! now I know what to ask my sis to buy for me from UK. :D
mistipurple: healthy food!
wildgoose: buy! nice! the man even brought lemon juice back! as though we don't have lemons in sgp. ha.
GOOD hummus is such a treat! enjoy!
sinlady: loving it. freezing the tubs so that they can last longer!
the tahini - it must be sesame or cashews that make the difference :)
M: thanks for suggesting! we're thinking very very hard. i shall leave it to the man to do the reverse engineering.
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