On our second visit, Aunt E made us a huge chocolate meringue cake.
Now, when a dear feisty 80-year old lady portions out cake for you, you don't ask for a tiny slice. You eat whatever she puts on your plate.
The man and I ended up eating 3 huge slices of cake each. Very tasty without being too sweet. We were so stuffed!
We brought a bottle of dessert wine. Now, when 30-something year olds bring you wine, you don't say no to it either. You sip. So Aunt E brought out her beautiful crystal glasses and brightly had a dash of Monbazillac for dessert as well.
It was another beautiful afternoon. Alas, time passed too fast. We kissed her goodbye and promised to come see her again. She bade us well and told us to take care. But she didn't say 'see you soon.' I felt that really keenly. It left us feeling really pensive.
On the train, I couldn't stop the tears from welling up. I stared out of the windows at the passing sights to soothe the emotions. After a couple of stations, I cheered up quite a bit at the sight of green fields.
The tears didn't spill.

I totally know how u feel. exact reason why im dreading a trip back to the states. Glad to know ure enjoying ure trip!
the cake looks so fluffly and yummy!!!!!!
Babe, you have no idea how much I look forward to your travel posts. LOVE THEM ALL.
aww.. I know how you feel. Keep the good memories ya. They are really beautifully conveyed here. :) Auntie E's cake look so wicked!!
nuttyjas: i think that's what the best trips are about. so go to states soon!
lovexlb: quite lovely!
yuling: :D
jomel: keeping them close. she said it's an ugly cake. but we all know it's because her gnarled fingers aren't nimble enough to do the lovely decorations like what she used to do. so sad. but very yummy cake.
Looking at Auntie E's hands, it must have hurt a lot. The cake must have tasted even better knowing that she poured her heart into making it.
love your leather bracelet combination.
oh, what a beautiful thing to share with you. gives me reason to give more attention to making desserts :)
=( Hugs.
She sounds like a great lady.
ahh...sweet post, all these little matter makes the traveling even more meaningful. =)
Glad you made this trip - chance to catch up with her.. precious memories!
hobomobo: exactly. your heart would ache if you could have been there to see her hands.
D: the man says thank you. he loves trinkets like these! i don't even wear bracelets or necklaces much. it's him!
sinlady: make desserts! nice and not too sweet ones k!
moo: she is quite remarkable.
elaine + bmuse: definitely.
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