Friday, August 28, 2009

Cheh, Beer. UGH.

I survived the drinking 'party'!!! Felt a little cheated about it even. I expected worse! Not too many people came to toast and make us drink. Along with the itty bites, they served beer. WTF? It's like, got no kick lor. I HATE downing beer because of all that gas. It makes me queasy and bloated!

There were 160 people at the 'party'. Obviously they're not going to serve expensive alcohol when a good 80% of the humans present only wanted to get drunk.

I kinda forgot how many 50%, 100% I downed. Maybe 6 mugs. 8, tops. The alcohol content was negligible. I wouldn't be drunk, but I'd have a very unhappy stomach. That gas was rising and rising. Yucks. It wasn't too bad already because they put ice cubes into beer. I almost giggled when I saw it. Too easy! But good lah, it reduced the amount to imbibe. At some point, I needed to go puke before continuing. Just then, the party ended and we went back to the hotel which was a mere three minutes away.

Merrily, I stuck a finger down my throat and retched thrice to get all alcohol out of my system. There was immense satisfaction in seeing what I downed came right up and into embrace of the Toilet Gods. Hurrah! After that, I polished off a 500ml bottle of crisp Fiji and multi-vits. Then I hurried downstairs to meet the colleagues so that they could buy more meow-meows and I could eat a proper dinner. HUNGRY. Now, I'm kinda feeling like a good dram of Bowmore 16 y.o (port cask) to slowly savor. :)


Jo said...

haha! you ar.. might as well not drink! say you got some allergic reaction. Save all the trouble of puking it all out. So what did you have for dinner? Pho again?

imp said...

jomel: cannot don't drink. quite difficult to reject. you must be a mind reader. writing it now.

tuti said...

you make it sound so easy to stick a finger in.
i would be green as kermit.

i'm happy you got off 'safe'. :)