Monday, August 22, 2005

My Steadfast Guides

Softly ploughing through South China Sea, drenched in the soothing darkness, it was not time to sleep, but time to reflect. All that quiet and the vastness of the sea.

I peered at the stars twinkling in the black night. How I have missed the stars these months.

The Great Square that is the constellation of Pegasus.
I realized, in the tropics, we can see most constellations all year round. 

Perhaps some will shine brighter than others if the time of the year belongs to them.


Anonymous said...

It was an amazing weekend that all of us needed. healing,rejuvenation and what-have-yous.we just needed to look at something that reminds us that there is so much out there besides our miserable lives.

Anonymous said...

it was so lovely to turn off the auto-pilot and steer by the stars. we've learnt a lot through the years i guess. hah. even amateur astronomy!

Anonymous said...

so right. it's not the diving really. it's the solitude that is unbeatable. a world away. in another realm, almost.

Anonymous said... i want to be out there too. can let my mind go blank and not think of anything. i might be chirpier this whole week and not feel like such a bitch.

Anonymous said...

the city is just so bright. there are no stars that we can see so brightly. be able to gaze at diamonds in the sky. the moon was perfectly pregnant this weekend though.

Anonymous said...

even the stars shine dull when the time of the year is not theirs.

what more we mere mortals?

Anonymous said...

the eternal stars. they are the only constant in our lives.

Anonymous said...

i concede there is something magical about the night sky. it puts so many things into perspectives. one should always periodically retreat into nature.

Anonymous said...

we need darkness in our lives to refocus,reorientate,rejuvenate.

Anonymous said...

how true. we always shine, but sometimes, we just shine brighter. the laws of nature too. it's coming autumn. pegasus shines most bright then.

Anonymous said...

there's something amazing about the night sky isn't it? it makes you feel dwarfed, humbled, yet soothed all at once.

Anonymous said...

oh man, this looks lovely beyond words. imagine lying there and staring at the sky. sigh. and yes, very encouraging-we'll shine once in our lives surely.

Anonymous said...

This picture really makes me miss lying out in the open at night. Vast open skies and seas...beautiful.

Anonymous said...

desert skies are just as beautiful.but i suppose nothing beats the gently rolling waves.

Anonymous said...

"...if the time of the year belongs to them."

what a reflective line. poignant.

Anonymous said...

black diamonds. my favorite. nick not withstanding.

Anonymous said...

we all need time-outs now and then. if all time-outs are typified by these 'black' nights,all universe will run in order.

imp said...

you guys have said out all my thoughts as i lay there atop the deck staring into the black velvet sky. such is the power of nature, to heal and to inspire.

Anonymous said...

we all need to believe in something sometimes.

Anonymous said...

the immense power of nature overwhelms. and when we huamns feel that, we'll be able to breathe easier.

Anonymous said...

i really enjoy this post. simple, reflective, evocative.

the beauty is in the mind and the silence.