Sunday, September 04, 2005

Tone Up Your Butt!!

Upon a glowing recommendation from S, bought my first pair of Rollerblades from Queensway's Skaters' World. Easy, convenient and at a reasonable price. Wasn't sure if I would continue with the activity, so should just get something mid-range to begin with.

Picked a Saturday to head out to East Coast Park to test out the wheels and get some fresh air. Exercise. I can skate lah, but on ice. I was damn lousy on in-line skates. Yucks. My dignity was kinda at stake. It was terrible for the first 20 minutes. I was SO WOBBLY on the pavement!

After the warm-up, I simply did straight lines down the park. Couldn't make any turns for shits. While I might have looked the part of a half decent skater, I certainly didn't feel it.

At some point, there was a tumble. I think I look better wrapped around a tree trunk and laughinig my head off..

But the exercise was shiok. Such a good workout necessary especially when I'm stuck in the office all day without moving the butt and thighs. Shall try to keep this up for a couple of weekends this year. It's at least better than running!


Anonymous said...

i wanted to go east coast today!it rained out on me!how come you get to skate??!! you went very early izzit?

Anonymous said...

nice blades. run them in. then can buy new blades. muahahahah.

Anonymous said...

do i spy cellulite??!!! *evil grin*

Anonymous said...

finally you got off your lazy ass and pick up skating again. should lah. imps should be light and breezy,not mope-y and droopy.

Anonymous said...

eh..that beer is going give you tons of calories,but damn. it looks so good that i'm going right out now to have myself the same thing.

Anonymous said...

how wonderful to get the oomph to go exercise! i love that rush as i wind down. good. keep it up and tone the butt!

Anonymous said...

this is a great way to de-stress after a hectic work week. there's nothing better than seeing the sea and the green.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you got nice blades! I didn't see this pair when I was there - but mine's a similar sorta colour. I like that pic - shows the gear and the blades - all you want to show without revealing all.

Anonymous said...

I feel for you imp. I figure skate on ice as well. I much prefer ice, I think, especially how cool it is in the rink vis-a-vis the hot, humid singaporean weather...

Cowboy Caleb said...


All hail you.

Anonymous said...

the erdinger's gotta be the best part of the day man.

imp said...

To the girls- we really have to move our asses. we not very young anymore. gotta work to defy gravity pulling the buns down.

Neishus- dunno,but this pair was on display when i saw it on saturday. i wanted a pair of fast skates so as to have least effort in pushing out. heh.

yah man, Quiddity. at this moment, all those fancy brakes i can do on ice don't work on concrete!! gotta learn them all over.

Cowboy Caleb, Clamshell, Epithet, CHEERS!!! the beer & whisky will keep Imp and all happie.

Anonymous said...

hey,yesterday was raining. my god,dark beer and rain. damn cool way to while away a lazy sunday afternoon. shiok.

Anonymous said...

you'll want to skate fast and still dodge people. that's quite fun,honestly. a test of how good you are as a skater. remember we all did that on ice? and when we ya-ya-papaya went to play roller-hockey?? that was damn fun- slamming into people and gates to stop. so ugly.

you better learn how to brake/stop on inline skates, or you'll be flying straight into walls.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure you'll pick up inline really fast. you did sort of try last round right?? but gave up and went back to ice. so this time, have fun!! having your own skates is way better than renting/borrowing.

Anonymous said...

exercise then beer?? waah. what a life!!

Anonymous said...

a beer after gym is what i call life. what more after a hot skating session??! little luxuries of life.

Anonymous said...

i'm so stuck in shanghai. there's no place to go inline skating if i want to!! i'll be so stared at. there're nice parks, but not the kind you'll want to whizz around in. am starting to miss the beach.

Anonymous said...

you're wasting the precious beer!!! should have lapped it all up before taking the shot!

Anonymous said...

ah...i really should be more hardworking and go skate instead of just lazing at home all sunday!

Anonymous said...

i love the nice ache in my body after all those exercises. i actually feel alive!!! hah.