Friday, October 14, 2005

Counting Beats

After much procrastination, I IS finally finished the choreography proper for this side project.

I hate choreographing. It is such tedious work, and so much more taxing on the brain than the actual dancing. Hate Math, and I have to count the beats, do the notation and memorize the steps. What a nightmare.

I dance according to mood, emotions and instinct. The rhythm is secondary. Dancers always have the rhythm imbued into their bodies. But if this is a structured dance, then the individual parts would have to be broken down into technical beats.

But it is done. Needed a stiff whisky to sooth charred brain cells.


Ray said...

I like the layout. what is it that you do? I felt like i was reading the newpaper on 'guess this person job' section... :)

Anonymous said...

i see you've at least got the notations right. plus the beat. but the stick figures??? oh dear.

ray,imp does just about everything!you should ask what is it that she doesn't do.

Anonymous said...

ahahahhaha. at least you're not doing the actual dancing. somehow,i think yoiu will refuse!

Anonymous said...

i'm so not a music/dance person. i wouldn't even know where to start,much less put everyone into formation!

Anonymous said...

i love whisky green tea. it's like not drinking at all.yet the effects can be rather,strong.heh.

Anonymous said...

the whisky is the reward!! it's okay,work your brains a little before they mummify.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure dance will look good factored in non-dancers right?

imp said...

my dancers are surprising catching on quite fast. hehehe. phew.