Thursday, October 06, 2005


The Imp trotted to the opening night of José Carreras and Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) at Victoria Concert Hall.

What a splendid way of celebrating Victoria Concert Hall’s 100th anniversary.

What a treat for Singapore.

I was kinda focusing on the sound, hoping that the sound wouldn’t be as full and rich as it would be if held at Esplanade Concert Hall. (I really like Esplanade!) I prayed that the goons at SSO had warmed up their fingers and not embarrass all Singapore.

No chance of that happening. SSO was in sync. Victoria Concert Hall’s sound system is definitely not a rickety 100 years old. The sound was top notch. As usual, Lorenzo Bavaj was excellent.

The tenor’s vibrant tones and subtle emotions flowed through. His multi-textured interpretation lent such charisma to the opera arias.

I was totally enthralled.


Anonymous said...

you didn't come up!!you'd loved his concert at Clifton College. my god.perfect weather.the champagne,the wine. you'd have loved it,imp.

Anonymous said...

his concerts are so brilliant. the setting, the feel of it all. Angkor Wat was brilliant,imp. we didn't give 2 hoots about the preview in sgp. we hotfooted all the way to Angkor Wat from another godforsaken place. we were duly rewarded.

Anonymous said...

it is so magical to hear that voice coming out of him. it's absolutely amazing. last night's concert will go down as one of the good ones this year.

hey belle,hi! we'd love to come up to bristol! let's get together!

Anonymous said...

you went?? *squeal* i was so tied up with work that i actually gave my free tickets away. damn. i should have screwed the report and gone for the concert.

Anonymous said...

great concert. great company. lots of familiar faces. great evening.

Anonymous said...

yah man....all the way there to angkor wat.breathtaking.but i'm sure sound wasn't as good as the one last night.luckily this time was a splendid one in sgp.

Anonymous said...

clifton college would have been lovely! we will come up soon,belle. long overdue for a soiree.