Friday, October 07, 2005

Poster Girl

I don't know why I let myself be coerced into doing this photoshoot. "In faith I serve", I suppose. Heh.

I don’t even know which twat revealed that I am into pilatés.

It was enjoyable though. At least I wasn’t in staid suits. I was in stylish adidas!

But I had a problem with the thick make-up.

They made me skip ropes, pose in the get-ready-sprint position, fold my legs all around and twist into all forms of human pretzel.

I think they will use this photo.

Shucks. I should have taken off my shoes. That blue doesn't go with the rest of the photo.


Anonymous said...

babe,you look good here. because cannot see your face. *roaring laughter*

Anonymous said...

great pose!!! do we get to see it on huge posters on the buses or something???

Anonymous said...

beautiful pose girl! you ought to do a calendar shot of all these pilates poses. when are you resuming pilates class with us anyway? start teaching again!

Anonymous said...

yah. the blue shoes don't go. tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

oh you hold it so well!! the balls. oops. ball. *wink*

Anonymous said...

hmmm.thick make-up doesnt go with exercise. i always get a shock in the gym when perspiration causes mascara to bleed and the girl herself don't even know it!

Anonymous said...

waaaaah. what photo shoot is this??? who has the power to coerce the imp? at least they never show your face. don't complain lah.

fuchsiacow said...

wow, what was the photoshoot for? you teach pilates? *eyes gleaming* me wanna learn.

Dawn said...

So flexible Imp - what other hidden talents do we not know about?

Anonymous said...

The Imp has many talents. Both hidden and not...

I want a flat tummy too! So this is your secret?!

Anonymous said...

wah. nice. but i cannot really imagine you doing this. haven't exactly seen you in exercise gear.

Anonymous said...

imp can really twist into a pretzel. really a pretzel shape. quite freaky actually.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. very unsexual. very vibrant. very good theme for the photoshoot really. so healthy.

Anonymous said...

to see your toes pointed would have been nicer really.

Anonymous said...

are those muscles cuts i see at the shoulders. waaah. *drrroool*.

Anonymous said...

i bet guys don't look good doing this at all.

Anonymous said...

pilates tones. doesn't quite flatten the tummy. no immediate effect.

flat tummy = crunches & half crunches. 100 a night. you get flat tummy in a month.

fuchsiacow said...

opps. back no good so can't do crunches. *sigh of relief*

guess have to make do with big pudgy tummy.

i hope you got to keep the gear.

Anonymous said...

did you do the pose for work stuff? i was wondering whether ur make up was bit thicker today... :p thot u were going drama look... and even as i write this... i'm wondering whether i SHOULD post this in case you WERE going for drama look :p heehee. shall take the risk!

fuchsiacow said...

or was the gear yours?!!! no sponsorship?

Anonymous said...

where got so good as to have sponsorship? all mine!! i hate dramatic make-up. yah lor. it's a CHALLENGE to have to wear that make-up.

didn't have eye make-up remover.didn't dare to wipe off the waterproof mascara.later look like kena punched black eye!! muahahahaha.

Q said...

100 crunches a night?!! Not unless you mean the Nestle Crunch Choco Bars. Not even 100 Nestle Crunch Choco Bars. Don't think I could do that. Too sweet. I think I'll wait till they refine liposuction technology to get my flat tummy!

Anonymous said...

use mesotherapy ladies. somehow,i suspect the ladies commenting here aint as fat as presumed. so mesotherapy works best as the fastest way to tone up.

but it hurts your wallets though.

Anonymous said...

what is it about you imp?? you can do all the ball stuff so well!! pool,pilates ball,golf. what else?? i know you suck at netball and basketball tho.

Anonymous said...

very inspiring! i-must-exercise. must.

Anonymous said...

the ballerina in print,babe.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to sign up for pilates classes tmrw.

Anonymous said...

oh my oh my!! this looks so darned good. i shall steal it to be my wallpaper. inspiration to go exercise after work every other day. hahah.

Anonymous said...

this is lovely!! you've good posture for all these poses.