Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hearts Together

I miss all of you, my Aunts and my friends who are far away in distance, but so near to my heart.

Since I can't be with you at Thanksgiving Dinner in person, I'll send my love and thoughts to all of you along with my favorite Thanksgiving grace:

For each new morning with its light;
For rest and shelter of the night;
For health and food;
For love and friends;
For everything Thy goodness sends.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Anonymous said...

love ya girl. we'll send you the pics. i got here 2 nights ago and still haven't adjusted.

Anonymous said...

lovely piece by ralph waldo emerson. the bestest. so swweeet.

Anonymous said...

Bonds as strong as this don't get broken with physical distance.

I love Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes.

Happy (US) Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

you're going to miss the skiing in aspen this year dearie!! but i ain't bumping into the tree for you!

Anonymous said...

this is a lovely set of grace.

Anonymous said...

i didn't think that many people in sgp celebrate

Anonymous said...

i think it's more of a get-together even if singaporeans 'celebrate' it. the point of thanksgiving is very meaningful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

should have air-flown a cake from goddess to round it up.

Anonymous said...

it's very sweet. i'm sure everyone has each other in his heart.

Q said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We are having our traditional Thanksgiving this Saturday, courtesy of my American friends in London :D I am more a stuffing and cranberry junkie myself.

Anonymous said...

we'll fed-ex you the cranberry sauce.