Monday, December 26, 2005

Must Have Music On-The-Go

The man's new iPod video with Bang & Olufsen earphones.

How on earth do you fill up 60 GB of space in the iPod in 2 days?!

And he says he has only 15 GB of space left.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah. B&O earphones. lux to the max. boys and their toys.

Anonymous said...

you did say it IS a VIDEO iPod.. duh? video...moving pictures...bigger space needed???!

Anonymous said...

easy piecey to fill all up. such great music off itunes out there. no more buying of CDs from now on. damn bloody expensive CDs man.

Anonymous said...

it's only ipod now man. gone are the days of the MP3s. itunes rule!

Anonymous said...

hee. no matter how much space,i can find tons of things to fill up my ipod with!

Anonymous said...

ah. this is cool. i like those earphones.

Anonymous said...

oooh. very sexy gadgets! essentials!

Anonymous said...

the ipod i have. the earphones i'm drooling over.

Anonymous said...

bring on the gadgets. more. more. more.

Paul said...

How do you fill a 60 GB iPod any way? I've got a 30 and I have not even used 5 GB.