Sunday, December 18, 2005

Turducken Party

I'm wary of the turkey. If given the wrong treatment, it can taste like cardboard. But it's a good meat since it's the least fatty among all meats. Still the turkey appears at many holiday occasions. 

We were intrigued that
Goodwood Park Hotel did the holiday bird as a Turducken. Had to try. Decided to get it for our Christmas get-together with the friends. Bored with the usual brown or cranberry sauce, we ordered a Turducken with Oriental stuffing- glutinous rice and chinese sausages.

The turkey was a little dry, but the duck and chicken were cooked just right and all the meat juices blended well together. It was tender to the touch of the knife. Surprisingly flavorful.The glutinous rice was so soft and tasty that everyone just piled on the carbs. 

It was a potluck party. Everyone brought something. A quiet one. Nothing wild. Festive feasting aplenty. At the end of the night, everyone was just, well, stuffed. (pardon the pun) Awesome food. Awesome dessert. Awesome company.


Anonymous said...

a turducken?!! whoa!!! looks like one hearty feast. best.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! i love the sound of it- turrrducken. tURRRRducKEN!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm definitely looking for it here to try for christmas dinner. got me all fascinated. oriental stuffing.

Anonymous said...

i haven't even heard of a turducken!! looks like it might taste a whole lot better than a normal turkey! i like meat!

Anonymous said...

oh man. the feasting begins. so this is really the fattening up bit!

Anonymous said...

arrrgh. now i'm really really sorry i missed the party!!!

Anonymous said...

cool!!! singapore finally embraced the turducken!!! much more interesting than a damn plain turkey.

Anonymous said...

wow. i wouldn't be able to stomach a feast like that! gotta starve myself first. hee. i like meat.

Anonymous said...

the best parties are held at home. it's too much of trouble to go squeeze with the crazy crowds in town.

Anonymous said...

the chamnpagne's smokin' man!!

Anonymous said...

home parties da best!!! you gotta throw your doors open wider, imp. Invite EVERYONE!!!! *grin*