Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Superb Chocolate Cake

All the way to the restaurant to meet the rest of the girls, P muttered that she overdid it with the cocoa powder and the cake was too bitter, even with the Oreos cookies' base. So she had to rescue the cake and compensate with more chocolate cream and chocolate shavings.

I tuned out after a while. Not fully sympathetic. Hehehe. Not like I know how to bake. Didn't hear a pip of the second half. P always plays with the recipes. She hates sugar and will cruelly use half the amount stated in the recipe. Whatever she does, it always turns out just fine. Even I who doesn't like sugar, will take bites of her bakes from time to time.

Had our meal. When the cake was unveiled, everyone gasped. Jumping papayas!!! Everyone could smell the cocoa and the chocolate! Looking rich and bitter instead of cloyingly sweet. Yayyy. I like this sort of cakes. Took the first bite. Indeed. The cake was, as expected, superb.