It's always back-to-the roots Nonya food on Sundays. Luckily we still have family who could cook really well. Pity we don't particularly have an inclination to learn it. Maybe in future. For now, we're happy to slurp them up and wash the dishes after.
Another lunch, another fantastic meal. Loads of curries and carbs. I simply can't resist eating steamed white rice slathered with curry. As much as I would like to pop a carb-stopper, the wiser option would be to swim it off later, or double-up the exercise the next day.

So much effort goes into preparing the weekly lunch for everyone. Much appreciated though. Didn't think much of heading home for meals when we were kids. But by now, we know how much work that takes and eagerly look forward to every meal.
Cannot emphasize on how awesome buah keluak is. Always look forward to the home cooked ones because they wouldn't be mixed in with minced meat. The meat would be the accompanying ayam or something in the pot. The insides of the nuts would be all that black-bitter-goodness. YUMMY. I love the bitter, pungent ones!

my family's not that adventurous when it comes to food. so we do traditional Chinese on sundays at family dinners. so for the rest of the week, we're gorge on all other food!
i've definitely gotten used to the spices used in all the local foods. they make it really interesting really. not as bland or creamy.
Hahaha... better make that 2 carb stopper pills :)
the pulot hitam looks so cute!!!! what's with the spider webs?!! haha.
All this is homecooked food or bought de? Looks simply delicious..yummz~! =0
my gosh. when i clicked on the photos, they're huge!! i just want to eat them off the screen!!! arrrgh.
i can almost smell the food! what a feast.
i love spices. can't live without them!! love nonya food!
do carb stoppers really work?? poo-ing lots doesn't really count does it??? hmmm.
for this, we ate out. negara hotel, house of peranakan food. not bad.
the pulot hitam looks so so cute!!! food looks delish. but i think standard slips a little according to chef's moods...
you know, i remember when i was "forced" to try buah keluak after marrying into peranakan family.
it's definitely an acquired taste, and i'm looking forward to having it this reunion dinner!
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