It's a beautiful movie. Ang Lee is definitely seated among the echelon of leading directors today. The movie is so good that you really don't need any spoken words to get the drift.
Remember the part where Jack tried to pick up a man in a bar, got rejected and he exchanged words with the bartender? I couldn't understand a single word spoken between Jack and the bartender.
Granted, I'm not particularly familiar with the Southern drawl. That's probably why I didn't catch half the dialogue that was going on. And I watched this on dvd, mind you. So I could replay it over and over again. Even if I finally caught the words, I didn't understand what the heck the slang meant.
I'm going to put 3 marbles in my mouth and talk for all of today. That should make it easier for me to get into the mood of the Southern drawl. Then I'll watch the movie again. I bet ya I'dbe aaber to heayer it'all crystal cleaare.
hey, how on earth did you get this on dvd first??? oh...nber mind. stupid question. hah.
this movie gives me the heebies jeebies. it's one thing seeing metrosexual looking men who are gay, but another seeing rightout macho cowboys kiss.
It ain't the accent dahling, it's the mumbling. Ah gave up and went and bought me the book.
i'll try to sit through this movie without making faces.
not the slang. they just mumble and mumble. and roll around in the grass. hah.
oh man. it's unbelievable how many jokes there are going around about the movie, its title and everythign!!! but yeah, it's a beautiful beautiful movie. winner lah.
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