The man went out. I decided to potter about at home.
You know, till today, I only know how to pick up two remotes to turn on the gogglebox and toggle the channels. Till the man's back, I'm not really inclined to watch the thousands of dvds docilely stacked up.
This is why:

It's not that I crave company. The secret is, I don't know how to fire up the gizmos to turn on the dvd player, woofers, blah blah blah. Hahahah. I'm not a tech idiot. I'm just too damn lazy to find out which controller is for what and how to use them. Too complicated.
i prudently reserve ALL my comments.
you're kidding me?? just press the 'ON' button only wat?!!!
haha. i'm like you! i usually just stick to cable. my man wires up so many things that i don't really know how to operate them!! btw,i've been reading your blog for some time now. really love your posts. :)!!
'graze'? what's grazing?!!! what's that?!!!
ah babe...if you can do up your blog,load photos,i'm you sure can figure out the remotes.
ahhh...the world of remoteland.
i've learnt somehow...along the way. i want to play the games and watch the movies too!! so must learn lor! WOW. heh.
maybe should get the man to do up some instruction manual.'s not difficult lah. don't be lazy. go sit down and learn how to use these remotes once and for all.
gosh. that really is a lot of remotes.
by the way, is One Rochester a posuer place to go? read and heard many things about it, but i'm afraid to be surrounded by teachers and civil servants.
my super4 is here!
babe, TECH IDIOT!!!!!
tim: huh? why would One Rochester be surrounded by teachers and civil servants? it's one of the hippest place in town right now.
but oh yes...poser place!!! very!!! don't expect to get a table on fridays & saturdays. reservations allowed only on weekedays.
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