Friday, June 30, 2006


Tell you a secret. I love carbs. 

Small wonder that I'm insanely crazy over phad thai. It's just fried noodles, right? But every eatery, tiny street stall will do it differently. And that's awesome. 

Love checking out all. If they're good, I can gobble up 2 plates at a go.


Anonymous said...

very cute presentation! i am drooling! i like phad thai too, though i am not a big fan of penang char kway teow.
dee from royal leisure

Bro. Ken said...

What exactly is it made out of? It looks good.

Anonymous said...

you're going to get fat eating so much carbs!!!

ken, if i may just answer, it's just noodles with tofu, spring onions and garnishes.

domestic rat said...

imp, remember 1 plate of CKT = 12 loaves of bread. ;-)

Little Miss Snooze said...

i love padthai too! Its like ckt! :)

Anonymous said...

spend a few more days there lah. i guarantee you put on at least 3 kg...!!! muahahahaha!

Robin CHAN said...

2 plates?


sure fattening!

Anonymous said...

domestic r: i know i know. but i still wanna eat!!!! muahahahaha!!!!

robin: i'll make an exception to weight gain if it's woofing down these 2 dishes.

Anonymous said...

spice spice! bring it on!