Monday, July 17, 2006

baybeats 2006

Far too long, all we know are angsty Singapore bands who play such shitty music that only the rare handful appreciates. No wonder some say local music sucks. There are gems in the Singapore indie music scene. baybeats is one good way to let these gems shine.

Staging indie music festivals in Singapore is still in its infancy. The crowds and acts have yet to reach the stature of Big Day Out and Glastonbury. When we get there, I'd be happy to pay for a ticket to baybeats. For now, baybeats showcase loads of free events. Yay.

I'm not such a hardcore fan as to sweat it out in the raging humidity all three evenings of baybeats 2006. I missed some good up-and-coming bands. But I dutifully turned up on Sunday for electricolunarin and The Posies. Yes, they rocked out and the crowd loved it!! Hung out with the friends later and got The Posies to autograph their collection of CDs!! Woots! 


Chick said...

awwww... doesn't this bring back good memories of how you 'seduce' the man?

Anonymous said...

'reliving' your 'youth'?!!!

Anonymous said...

i was too lazy to step out on a Sunday night. plus the drinking won't justify the going in late on a Monday!!

Dawn said...

We love Electrico :)

Cavalock said...

Hey, I was actually invited me to the event on sat nite but I couldn’t make it cos I was supposed to have dinner at me folks’ place. Looks like I missed quite a bit

Anonymous said...

ELECTRICO!!!!!! i waved SO MADLY at you. you didn't see me!! JUST WHO WERE YOU STARING AT SO HARD??!!! heheheeh.

Anonymous said...

were you wearing a tourquiose (spelling??) tube thingy?

i think i walked right by ya but you were giggling with a bunch of people.

i liked the Electricos too.
"...coz we're not made in the USA!!"

imp said...

chick: I NEVER!!!!

dawn: *wide grin*

cavalock: wasn't there on Sat. but heard plain sunset and velvet were good.

gerbera & timothy: hehehe. i think i missed saying hi to lots of pple night!! so many of you were there!! heh. sorry! didn't see lah!!

Anonymous said...

the guy didn't want to get out of the house!! so i miss both electrico, posies and alchohol. damn.

Anonymous said...

the Posies signed mine too...! I can dream all day!

Anonymous said...

what?! the posies were in town??!! wow.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.