Friday, August 18, 2006

Open Your Hearts

You don't hear of leprosy much in Singapore now. The Singapore Leprosy Relief Association (SILRA) houses 62 treated sufferers. They had been abandoned by their family and the Association took them in. The Association's last couple of Muslim sufferers have left and the 62 left are Chinese. All of them are elderly. Would you stigmatize them?

You and I live in homes with bedrooms of our own. These elderly each only have a bed and 2 cabinets to hold their worldly possessions. Please don't forget their existence.

Quietly, they go about their business of living, long putting their suffering behind them. For those whose fingers are not ravaged by the disease, they weave huge wicker baskets and sew beautiful traditional Chinese patchwork quilts. The many handicrafts they make help raise funds for this place they call home.

One woman who has stumps for legs, told me how she hated her slow wheelchair. She gleefully led me to her bed and showed me how she gets about with a make-shift wooden plank on wheels, using her hands to propel her along. That is her version of a skateboard. She whizzes around so fast that I worry she'd crash straight into walls.

At 98, this is the oldest resident at SILRA. She is alert and full of mischief. She invited me to take a photo of her, then held my hand to her head and solemnly said she doesn't spend a cent on shampoo. Then her eyes twinkled and asked me how much I spend on hair products.


geesmo said...

a stark reminder but so badly needed.

kudos to you for doing all that you do. :)

Suzie Wong said...

Brought a tear to my eye..

Anonymous said...

i stick to donations. don't do the volunteer work coz i can't handle it. i'll either have nightmares or cry.

Anonymous said...

You've made me feel guilty for not doing much for the elderly except for the infrequent donations I make. The gift of time is probably the best gift they can receive and it's really so nice of you to give them just that :)

Anonymous said...

i don't think many can spend the time with old folks. language barrier...self-consciousness....watever.

i still feel donations to old folks' homes etc are my cup of tea rather. i would be at a loss if u tell me to go sit and accompany them.

Dawn said...

That's very sweet of you!

Anonymous_X said...

sooner or later, we're all going to be old. thx for the reminder. :\

Anonymous said...

You are most wonderful. I respect all volunteers. I personally am not able to help much in these places cos I'll just break down and cry or be v depressed.

Anonymous said...

i respect volunteers tremendously as i dun have the emotional strength to do it with the elderly. so i only donate. maybe for a beginner, it would probably be less depressing for me to volunteer with children?
dee from royal leisure

Jo said...

bless you...

Anonymous said...

i prefer working with children. it kinda makes me happy. i've walked into old folks' homes...etc. it's got this sad depressing atmosphere that i can't stand. it's almost oppressive. i can't understand how the old folks can just sit and stare for hours. i don't even hve an inkling of how to talk t them.

if working with the elderly's your gift, all good. go girl.

i'll do my stuff with the kids and donate to the elderly. :)

Anonymous said...

clever girl. u urged pple to donate rather than give time.

easier for pple to do that. and the other sector can do the volunteer work. that's how it's supposed to work. good partnership.

Cavalock said...

we all done what we can. sometimes that's all it takes.

Cavalock said...

i meant we all do what we can...

Anonymous said...

babe, keep that fire burning!