Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What's In It, Really

So the boys are going to check in as operationallyreadynationalservicemen for 2 weeks.

They reminisced about the times they were young punks at 18.

They shared many stories, of ghosts; of tough instructors; of stupid men; of clever men; of improved food; of dirty underwear; of blistered feet.

They didn't particularly enjoy National Service. But they agreed that it was an experience. It was a duty to the nation, not the government.

Regardless of the lofty ideals behind it, reservist was at best, tolerated. With the way war is being defined today, this tiny red dot might well be obliterated within seconds in any real conflict. A nation full of operationallyreadynationalservicemen ain't gonna win the actual war. It'd probably boost morale though.

What they really detest, was the goondu haircut they had to get before booking into camp for operationallyready duties.

And that they couldn't wear their fancy Converse sneakers all day.


Anonymous said...

there's so much to be said about NS. and then all the talk about FTs. but then again, there's another 'camp' that does not resent that. it's a trade-off.

honestly,if one's brains are still intact, NS and FTs don't have to be viewed as mutually exclusive. sure, FTs don't have to do it. that doesn't mean we resent them. NSmen still get a better deal. it really depends on how one views NS.

domestic rat said...

Do they really need to 'rearrange' their hair before booking in? That's a first I ever heard (read).

Anonymous said...

my guy's in 'reservist' now too!!! and yes. he cut his hair as well!!! soooo not used to a neat look...

KXBC said...

I enjoy my reservist training every year. You rebuild your camaraderie with fellow reservists, run up hills with heavy equipment, swear at stuff, sweat it out, have tea breaks, eat much improved SAF food, and get paid. What's not to love about reservist training?

Anonymous said...

i detest the whole waking up early shite and doing stuff. but then again, it's war games. and if you ask me, it's an experience that i actually enjoy instead of an air-conditioned comfort all year long. smoething different.

Anonymous said...

it's a drag, but the boys still do it. not much to be done abt it i guess.