Saturday, December 30, 2006

Like We've Never Seen Them Before

Being harebrained city folk, we went " cute!" each time we pass by cows or buffalos, migratory birds, chickens, ducks and geese. We even marvelled at the huge rats scampering across the streets.

I think our home is a too-sterile city.


Anonymous said...

i stare too!! i don't see this on the roads at all!!! it's kinda nice.

Anonymous said...

eh...why the cows so skinny one?

Anonymous said...

oh my! not cute leh. it's kinda sad... the cows look bony thin. they must not have been reared properly.

imp said...

gerbera: look deeper and u reveal all the socio-economic rights and wrongs. :)

meteor: dunno. maybe not enough food.

dee: beautiful eyes. but yes. sad. these cows work the field. so i guess they don't get fed much...