Sunday, December 31, 2006

Stock-Take :: 2007

I stood in front of the painting for the longest time. Its simplicity appealed. Didn't hear the minutes tick by. I was only aware of the vibrant gold on the canvas and the lone sampan resting on the stark white lower half.

A painting is, of course, open to different interpretations by each individual. Perspectives are also dependent on whichever chapter of life he is pacing through. I remember what I laid out for 2006. In this painting, I found a pictorial précis of my axiom for 2007.

The Flower Boat

The fisherman's swapping a yarn for a yarn
Under the hand of the village barber,
And her in the angle of house and barn
His deep-sea dory has found a harbor.

At anchor she rides the sunny sod
As full to the gunnel of flowers growing
As ever she turned her home with cod
From George's bank when winds were blowing.

And I judge from that elysian freight
That all they ask is rougher weather,
And dory and master will sail by fate
To seek the Happy Isles together.

~ Robert Frost


Anonymous said...

is your favourite style the minimalist modern paintings?

Anonymous said...

ah...i'm reading so much about sailing and smooth rides. so 2007 for you is to sail with the current??

imp said...

dee: nope. impressionism.

gerbera: sort of! taking ur advice!

Anonymous said...

hey! same here! :D