Sunday, December 17, 2006

Through Gilded Doors

Penang is one of my favorite Malaysian towns. It has managed to retain the quaint art-deco architecture that's its hallmark today.

Penang Through Gilded Doors by
Julia De Bierre, is a 10-minute pictorial introduction to Penang. Born and bred in Penang, Julia retains her best memories and lovingly pens them in her book.

While some hailed the photography by
James Bain Smith as superb, I beg to differ. His photography, though not quite iconic, is appealing and representative of Penang's cultural make-up and rich colonial history. I find the photography on the section about food rather lacking. I've seen better blog photos depicting Penang's foodstalls, restaurants and unique nonya cuisine.

The community in Penang is small, and the gossip is rich. Many Penangites I know are cosmopolitan, warm and gregarious. Through the years, through their hospitality and eyes, I've come to know Penang intimately. You'd be surprised, but seemingly sleepy Penang can be a party town when it so chooses.


Anonymous said...

and so we've been to a couple of fun parties!!!

domestic rat said...

Hmm... I haven't been to the right places to club, I suppose.

imp said...

queenie: so we have!!

dr: i don't fancy those club at gurney. some younger ones like slippery senorita and all. but the best parties are in the houses!!!! ;P