Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our Glory Days Then

Clearing out the cupboards led us to a somewhat hilarious discovery about each other. Well, at least for me! I read aloud the words on his trophy. Then I doubled over with evil cackles.  Never expected that!

After he read the wordings on my trophy, he swore he would never play pool with me.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Oh dear! I got some that I want them buried in the centre of the earth forever!!!!

Anonymous said...

muahahahah!!!! so fun!! at least it tells of a vibrant youth well spent!!!

Anonymous said...

what on earth are those things in the background??!!! soft toys?? like cows????? heheheheheh.

imp said...

dr: you gotta do a post on that!!! i wanna know!!!! hehehehe.

clamshell: bleah.

gerbera: yup! soft toys!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...for me, the trophys I have so far were earned in those primary and school days under the hot sun. Not something I can be proud of, and I guess the quality of those have faded with time as I have already neglected them for many years since I turned my back on sports. :P

Anonymous said...

R says I should ask you to teach me! I was awarded for marksmanship every year for rifle shooting. Incl the equivalent of the M16. Bleah in every other sport.

Anonymous said...

wahahahahaha!!!i fall off my chair at the law ball finalist thingy. somehow...i cannot imagine him in a skimpy pair of swimming trunks leh. hahahahahahahaha!

and yours. haizz. haven't u noticed frm then till NOW, no one's playing pool with u for drinks anymore? ;P

Anonymous said...

haha. his trophy is hilarious! you should put it out in full glory in your new place, like on the living room mantle or sth.

and i'm so glad i've never asked you to play pool with moi. heh.

imp said...

iceaster: you can be proud of them! for relays,sprints. they're not things u wanna do now, so it's great to know u did the sports!

corsage: hahaha. that's the only 'ball activity' i'm good at. golf's ookay. all the other sports on the field/court, i suck. so if u pick up pool, i think u'll do good in it- hand-eye coordination's there!

dainty daisy: oh my. skimpy swimming trunks. don't think he'll be caught dead in it. i don't play pool for drinks anymore lah!!! *sulk* you've seen me lost royally on the table anyway.

fuchsiacow: muahahaha. he wanted to throw it away. i'm keeping it as a laugh. in the cupboard tho.

geesmo said...

who sez 'size does not matter'? heh

imp said...

geesmo: oh girl!!! ur comment made me laugh so super hard!!!

Anonymous said...

law ball finalist??!! hahaha...