Sunday, January 21, 2007

Warm Tummies

We've got movers, but there're many fragile items that we prefer to move it ourselves. So cool to have friends lending strong arms and legs to move those bags and cartons to the new apartment. Nobody needs to take leave or do anything during the week days. We can do it in the nights or over the weekend.

After one heavy afternoon of lifting, Z brought us over to her place. Outrageously spoilt us. She didn't just lend an extra pair of arms and a car, but also fed us with her family's homecooked goodness for dinner.

We were ravenous and devoured all the food. Absolutely delicious. Her Dad even insisted on hydrating us with freshly squeezed juice after since we refused to have him peel or slice up fruits for us. Gratefully accepted all offers of food and drinks.


Anonymous said...

the dumpling's handmade??? the skin looks so thin and so good!

Little Miss Snooze said...

wow. yummy dumplings!

Anonymous said...

always good to sit down to a homecooked meal at the end of a totally exhausting day.

Anonymous said...

gosh! i love freshly squeezed juices! esp OJ! that's the only way to go! no others!

Jo said...

Oh my goodness. Bless your friend's heart!! I will not be shy with a friend like that. :)