Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Heartwarming Dinner

The family indulged my love of Japanese cuisine and for my birthday, arranged dinner at Matsugawa at The Pines.

The maître d' considered our food preferences and created a special menu for the evening. A kind of omakase, if you will, but focusing more on cooked food as the family couldn't stomach that much raw stuff. 

From the sashimi to starters, soup, teppanyaki and tempura, each dish was superbly fresh and cooked with exquisite skill. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

i spy a pretty blue box!

Anonymous said...

oh the food so good. *grabs tummy in despair*

Anonymous said...

man, looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday dearie!! Or rather, belated :P

I see a blue box! Pray tell what's inside =)

imp said...

verve + dainty daisy: food coma man.

rachael + cherie: thanks! matching necklace and earrings!

Anonymous said...

I'll give anything for a slice of fresh salmon, man, even if it's a bad one!