Thursday, March 22, 2007


Angry. Just learnt that the man is schlepping around Austin and LA for 3 weeks without travel insurance. He only insured his 32kg luggage and gear.

Not one person in the group thought of getting travel insurance.

Just a simple dislocated knee. The medical bill so far is US$1,500 and counting. Accidents happen. Fine. So we deal with the aftermath. My problem is, he's not resting the knee enough. Let's just say he never rested that knee since he dislocated it on his first night in San Antonio. He's not due home till this time next week.

He declared this trip to be once in a lifetime experience. 
Whatever. Sure. He's probably feeling pretty bad about the knee. And I can't exactly haul over the coals. I can only hope he doesn't develop a permanent limp and still think it's been worth it.

I was uneasy about this trip. However, he was already fairly stressed a month before he left. To the point where he couldn't sleep and had his eyes glued to the computer 24/7. So I kept quiet. He's still continuing with the trip and will sort out the knee when he returns. Well, I hope that wouldn't have adverse long term effects.

To sum up the trip, it's been bad organization, bad planning, bad coordination, bad everything. Not his fault. Just crap timing, probably diminished espirit de corps, and a lack of structural support. Bad bad bad.

I'm so mad that I don't even want to text him too often or talk to him too long. Not very satisfying to squabble long-distance. So I shall quietly seethe for the next couple of days. Then, greet him with a big smile at the airport.


Cavalock said...

trust me, guys will be guys. Nothing much u can do to change that. heh

KaiRiNu said... being men...greet him with a big smile and remind him of the importance of travel is really really impt..:)

Ally said...

remember your COACH! in fact...tell him to get more stuff!

Anonymous said...

now now, don't go all pessimistic. he's a big boy. he will be just fine.

Jo said...

irresponsible. typical. but girl, don't squabble over the phone. you are right. unsatisfying. very much so.

Anonymous said...

uh oh. you love him!!!! if not, you wouldn't be pissed! you'd just be worried. heheh.

Anonymous said...

go boil and get over it.

for pride, for honor, for a dream. if i were him, i'd say it's worth it. babe, it won't be a permananent limp. he's not stupid!

now now, no punching me.

Anonymous said...

he'll be okay babe. :)

Anonymous said...

don't scold him lah. poor thing. he's a big boy. he wants your support k? it'll be an experience of a lifetime though. ;P

b.muse said...

Good action plan I say.. after all, what's (not) done is already foregone, can't do anything already now. :p

Belinda Lee said...

I know how angry you must be but thats how they are and accidents do happen. Move along. As most guys would tend to do, he'll just carry on, pain or no pain. End of story where he's concerned. Small issue girl. He has to learn from this experience. You just take care of yourself ;D

Anonymous said...

a little dumb to have no travel insurance. but what to do??! never mind lah.

imp said...

thanks guys. i'm still mad. but cooling down slowly. and maybe laugh at him if he complains about the leg back at home.

Anonymous said...

don't yell at him lah. poor thing.