Monday, March 19, 2007

Sharon and Rob's Wedding

Nowadays, I pick and choose which wedding invitations to accept. I refuse to go to weddings where I'd be just making up numbers at the table. If I am to give an ang pow, I will give generously, and willingly; not because I'm obligated to. I view weddings as just one tangible representation of a couple's love. I don't find it necessary to have one. But when good friends do, I rarely say no to being a witness.

This weekend was Sharon and Rob's wedding. I was honored to be invited to both her church solemnization and the celebratory dinner in the evening. Without hesitation, I accepted her invitation. This is probably the only wedding I'm attending for 2007. Her wedding is what weddings are meant to be. corsage is a friend. We share honesty, humor and insight in our friendship. In that, I found meaning in attending both celebrations.

I wasn't too afraid of being bored. This weekend, I was glad to share her happiness and many touching moments. I enjoyed sharing a quiet minute with her in the bridal suite before dinner. But I had to reject the invite to the post-party, despite being tempted by those bottles of whisky. Early working Monday, you see.

To you, babe and your dashing groom, may you have many joyful years ahead.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First pics of the wedding I missed. Bride's dress is lovely - and I bet groom was smiling all the way! Wish I could've made it.

domestic rat said...

I think there will be any weddings for me to attend this year but alot of baby 1mth celebrations!

Anonymous said...

oooh. love the pic of the train and backview. lovely!

weddings are only fun if we know the couple well! otherwise no point.

imp said...

yellow: the groom was at the piano singing 'just the way you are'. very sweet!!!!! he's a really good piano player.

dr: i think so too!!! i'm going to have loads of that. i wonder what's up with the month of mar/apr for deliveries! esp this year too!

queenie: so true. bride was lovely. gown suited her to a t.

Ms Fair Face said...

I just dislike it when it is pretty obvious that some just shoved the invitation to you just to make numbers. I would just reject them saying I have something on most of the time.

Anonymous said...

He sang and played?! Corsage.. I want pictures!

Anonymous said...

aye aye! when i was younger, i was silly and accepted all wedding invites. now i smarter. sift out those that i want to go.

so hey...does that mean when pple marry younger, they actually get more pple attending and = more ang pows??!

Ally said...

i have like 8 weddings to go to this year. whassup with that?
love your friend's dress though!

Anonymous said...

you're attending only 1 wedding for 2007??!! wah...does that mean you're not attending XYZ and ABC's? really?

damn. tell me your excuse. i gotta come up with something creative too.

candice said...

i'm waiting for her to be back on LJ for the pictures!

thanks for the "sneak preview". heh!

furfur angel said...

yesh! no wedding FAQs!

imp said...

msfairface: agreed!

clamshell: u might have some obscure point in there.

dainty daisy: let's get creative then. and yes. i'm not attending!

orientalQ: that'a lot!!! S$800 out of the pocket at least!!!

candice: gotta wait a while! the girl's gotta go on the honeymoon first!

furfurangel: my dinner table definitely had no wedding FAQs! yay!