Monday, March 26, 2007

Hobble Wobble

For all the heavy expenses incurred, the man was full of praise for San Antonio's paramedics and hospital staff who attended to him in the wee hours that morning. They were just as professional, efficient and precise as Singapore's top-notch medical services. The differentiating factor: San Antonio's service with a warm smile was etched into his memory.

My heart almost broke into a zillion pieces when I saw him shambling out to the luggage belt at Changi Airport. 

The daunting leg brace made the dislocated knee look so badly injured.When he  removed the brace, I winced at the naked leg that was dotted with pressure bruises and had swelled to twice the size of the right. The swelling went down a lot today. At least I could tell where the ankle ended and the calf muscles began. He'll probably have to limp a little. Going to pop by the orthopedic surgeon's for a review. Hopefully, it will heal in 2 months.


Anonymous said...

never show leg. gotta try to imagine how it looks swelled up! eioow.

sinlady said...

Be nice to him girl.

Dawn said...

ooooooouch. Poor thing!

Anonymous said...

go pamper him. poor thing! but garang lah. can tahan for the rest of the gigs and all the way back.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh...looks bad. Poor thing. Tell him must take good care of his leg k? But I'm quite sure you're already doing that well...

Anonymous said...

hope he didn't tear any tendons and just a slight injury to ligaments. he will heal fast!

Suzie Wong said...

Ah, speedy recovery...his leg and your heart

Jo said...

Ouch ouch! But he can still look cool (judging by that pose in the last pic) hor? Heheh..

By the way, how weird are you??.... ;)

Anonymous said...

May he have a smooth op on tuesday and a speedy recovery too!