Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Me, Loved

There was no way I could get home by 7pm in this storm.

So I called the man's parents to say I'd be clearing some work first, would be late for dinner..... to have their meal first and not wait for me.

10 minutes later, his Mommy called.
"We'll come and take you home. Stay put!"

My eyes widened in amazement.

I protested, but Mommy was insistent.

I was secretly thrilled! It wasn't just a ride home. It was so sweet of them to think of me and come pick me. They love me! I had this silly grin on my face. I hummed along to the radio.

Then I grew worried. The lashing rain made bad visibility. How on earth could I have let them come get me in the torrential downpour? If I couldn't even grab a cab home, how on earth could they drive properly in the heavy winds?

"Bad girl." I admonished myself.

Half an hour later, the parents reached my office and fetched me home to dinner. I was soooooo relieved to see them safe and sound.

The rain slowed to a drizzle on
AYE. The home stretch had stopped raining and the traffic was surprisingly clear.

I sank into the seat and wiggled my toes in delight.


Anonymous said...

My gal, I know you'd probably roll your eyes at me when you see this, but if I were you, I'd marry into this family! ;P

With so many horror stories of difficult in-laws abound, I'd say you have it real good when the folks of your man actually adore you. What more could you ask for? It's a bonus!

Haha, but on 2nd thot, it would seem really duh when people ask you what made you want to marry him, and your answer is, "His parents!"

Little Miss Snooze said...

blessed! :)

Anonymous said...

you do realize that you're super lucky in this world of evil mum-in-inlaws!

Ms Fair Face said...

you know many ladies out there would wish the MIL is like yours!

Anonymous said...

That's so neat of them! I want inlaws like them too.

Anonymous said...

Lucky girl! They must be very fond of you.

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

you are sooooooooooooooooo blessed! yes! take fen's advice! marry into their family!

treasure them for all they are worth!

p/s the horror stories are not stories! they are true!

Anonymous said...

You are blessed! They really sound like fabulous in laws to have. errr.. with fen's last comment - my sis-in-law tells everyone she married my bro cos she liked my mum. *haha*

Anonymous said...

Yup agree with everyone they are awefully sweet. On the contrary MY parents are the sweet ones. After one of those sweet things they did for him, my man popped the question which we seldom discussed. Like what fen said, i had to remind him he is NOT marrying my parents.

Dawn said...

Ha - Imp of COURSE they adore you. They couldn't adore you more if they tried.

Anonymous said...

you sick sick woman. make me jealous. bleah.

imp said...

fen: totally! am so rolling eyes. hehehehhehehe. but your suggestion, now that's a thought. just a thought first. ;P

lms + queenie: i am. and i thank Him for it.

msfairface + sesame: i think so...i was very afraid of the mom at first. but she put me at ease completely. it's like she adopted me. heh. maybe because the man's an only child. good for me, i think.

dr: i'm sure your in-laws dote on you completely!

freespirit: i do! i treasure them loads! i'd do alot for them, the same as i've done for my beloved grandfather. my friends shared some horror stories too. i wonder if bad (mean) women bosses at work make bad mom-in-laws...hmmm.

yellow: hahahah! your sis-in-law is too cute. now i sort of get a picture of why u have a swell relationship with the sis-in-law!

wiserpolegirl: ur guy's a lucky man! and of course, tell him without u, he'd have never met ur parents. so there. he has to pamper you first!

jazzgal: you don't party with even i kowtow to you guys when u party. *prostrates flat*

KaiRiNu said...

So blessed!I reckon u shld marry into his family...NOW!

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

u brot up an interesting pt there.i don't know if my observations r the exception or the rule - but loads of mean women bosses seem to hv family issues as well. maybe u shld blog another post abt it! :)

imp said...

kairinu: marriage is the furthest thing on my mind. i'm not convinced about marriage at all.

freespirit: interesting! see if i have enough informal stats about it.

Anonymous said...

Blessed you!Well, you are a nice girl while they are nice folks too. Continue to adore them and vice versa, just treasure it every moment.

Ally said...

lucky! when you have such adoring "in-laws", it makes ur life so much easier