Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mr Lee

Mr Lee works in the printing room at the office. He zaps and binds our papers, documents, etc, whatever that needed his expertise in operating those strange machines that we're not familiar with.

He is the king of the room and oh, he swaggers around so in his domain.

He is perceived to be a grouchy old man. We've heard him yell at colleagues for dumping last minute work on him. He can get really loud. And sometimes really crude. He can go on and on for hours complaining about something that happened the week before. I doubt anyone likes him very much. Should they need to cross their path, they'd whisper his name with some measure of fear and mostly distaste.

Mr Lee gets along okay with 2 or 3 of the colleagues. He goes out for lunch with 1 and chats with the other 2 sometimes. The rest of the day, he stomps around with this sullen look.

I too, have to use the printing room and needed his help. That, he grudgingly gave at the beginning. That's part of his job, so he has to fulfil my printing requests. So I never care about his mood. To me, it's just work.

Initially, when I breezily went "Good morning Mr Lee!", he just grunted at me. I would just ask him questions like "Have you eaten?", "So much work ah? 12 o'clock already, go for lunch first then do lah!" , and hung around to wait for his answers which were still given in grunts and growls.

But I noticed he did my printing jobs really fast and he knew exactly how I wanted my papers to be bound. Frankly, I found him helpful and efficient. So I made it a point to hop by the printing room just to say hi to him. I also passed him small Christmas gifts and Chinese New Year cookies.

By and by, he stopped the grunting and graduated to talking with me. Nowadays, he'll go "Morning, <insert Imp's name> ." He would also gripe about unreasonable demands from the colleagues. He would tell me about how early he wakes up and what he did when he took leave.

He knew that I'd be shifting down to the Level 2 office. (Just like how the cleaners and the tea lady knew. You gotta give credit to the office grapevine man.) So today, he asked me when I would be shifting.

I gave him a cheeky reply.
"April! I'll still come up and disturb you though!"

The perpetual scowl on his face broke into a smile. "No no. No disturb. Come visit me." He said.

I grinned.

Mr Lee is not so fierce after all.


The Health Conscious Shopper said...

he's cool, he does something which i have always wanted to imitate - underpromise and overdeliver. he's always told me XXX takes YYY amount of time - but ALWAYS gets it done in half the time.

i used to wish that they'd outsource other folks instead of him.

Anonymous said...

i'm not scared. but i just don't like him. i wonder how on earth he ever opened up to you. now i must go take a look too.

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

i thot people were even more scared of the stationery person tho

Suzie Wong said...

There are many folks like him. I've seen many younger, more educated employees push these "old-timers" around with a ya-ya attitude. So, no choice, perhaps he has to "xia ma wei" first, and his way to warn people not to "play-play with him". But when he realises you are really nice and respectful, he knows how to reciprocate

b.muse said...

Good on you that you got thru to him! :)

hmm sometimes ppl build up this wall/mask due to too many experiences of being taken advantage of, so I guess it's a defense mechanism.

Anonymous said...

gulp. i heard his reputation way before i saw him. quite scary. come to think of it, i haven't seen him smile yet...

imp said...

freespirit: u got it! he always does that and makes me pleasantly surprised always. omigosh, i bully the stationery guy!! but he's a sweetheart. he entertains my urgent requests too.

anon@11.51am: he's okay lah. just grin at him and say sorry if it's really last min.

suziew + jun: that's so true. after all, no personal vendetta there. so he'll eventually smile at me. after a year. hahahaha.

s: he will lah.

domestic rat said...

I think the trick is that you bothered to chat with him. With mature staff, they just want to be respected for what they are doing and be appreciated when a job is well done.

TCA Student Council said...

Hi, I read ur blog because somebody else's blog & I can't help but wanna comment.

You did a very nice thing there.

A lot of times, grouchy ppl have a lot of hidden hurts in them & thus puts on an unfriendly front. But they can sense sincerity. Your move to care about him probably meant a lot to him & that's why he feels he can open up to you.

It's a random act of kindness & I hope you will continue to show this towards another seemingly unlovable person.


Anonymous said...

wah. your office grapevine very steady leh.

sinlady said...

Goes to show a little recognition and consideration can mean so much. You are a GOOD person *hugs*

imp said...

dr: i'm a big kaypoh. and i do work better with older folks. and you're right, they just want to be treated well too.

big rice: welcome! would love to check ur blog out if you cld add me! frankly, i didn't do it out of kindness. alot of it was motivated by curiosity. i gotta see him everyday. i aint gonna make life difficult for myself too. and when he did respond, it made me smile too.

opal: u don't say.

sinlady: thank u sinlady. but sometimes i wonder if i'm good. :)

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

i agree w sinlady that u ARE good.

u prob dont recall - but i still rem how irritated i was with all the red tape created by ur dept- and how u managed to get me the stuff i needed to make that tender bid. it really diffused my frustration!

furfur angel said...

human management lorhz...

sometimes as mumch as I hate some pple at work, I still have to "sa-ka" them, so that they dun make things difficult or shoot nasty emails to my boss abt me...


kuro.shiro.neko said...

weiwei, free spirit and imp, your company very rich hor, still got STATIONERY GUY and Mr Lee?!?!

must be public sector!!!

private sector ppl all diy you noe?!?

good job there... thats what i like to do sometimes, be extra nice to ppl who scowl. i got nothing to lose anyway! hee.. thats how i got my previous company tea lady to serve me coffee (the way i want it) and also wash my cup... :)

Little Miss Snooze said...

HAha we have the same issue with the printing rm pple too over here. But we always ask our colleagues who are friendlier to send the request..even though its not last minute or demanding! :P

TCA Student Council said...

I would, but I don't see any email add around..

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

u r spot on - only public sector got such sinful excesses.

mr lee is essential cuz of the nature of the company, but, i can't say the same abt the stationery guy becuz when i was still working there, (imp, sorry to hijack ur comment space!)
1. we were forced to key in our requests into a system
2. then we go to this guy, hoping that he's not having a tea/toilet/lunch/gossip/MC break and he will retrieve our requests from the system, then SLOWLY take out the items, some of which are reserved for SPECIAL people, like 3 for $1 pens
3. if you never key into the system, he will give you stern warning
4. once when the system was down for TWO wks, he refused to issue stationery, accusing my colleagues of not learning how to use the system. he said they HAVE TO learn how to use the system

until now, no one u/std why the system exists.

free spirit

imp said...

cantonpixie: that was how we first got around to talking!

furfurangel: i try not to do that and keep work to work. :)

kuro: hahahahah!

lms: heh. can totally understand that.

freespirit: haha. no problem. weh...but MNC also got such excesses...but to me, i see it as a great aid. i'm definitely not going to waste time photocopying stuff. once i got that out of the way, i can do other things. if there's no printing room, i'd have insisted on sending all to some external printer too.... but having a printing room is really convenient. :)

big rice: blackjacq [at] hotmail [dot] com

TCA Student Council said...

Hi, have added you...

but i have set up another blog. The new one is not private so feel free to switch between the 2. They will both be active.
