Wednesday, March 07, 2007


You know I've always been fascinated by tombstones. I like faded photos and reading inscriptions on the old tombstones. I especially like tombstones in padi fields. I love the juxtaposition of the cycle of life. Death and the staple source of life co-exist on this land that has fed generations.

In Hanoi, the roads to and fro the airport are dotted with tombstones on either side. I had this crazy urge to shout out to the driver to stop the van and let me down so that I could go take photos and run my fingers over the weatherbeaten headstones. But I guess my colleagues wouldn't have been too thrilled by this morbid interest of mine. So I had to be content with snapping photos of the fields from a distance.

The next trip to Hanoi, I'm so getting down to look at them. In minute detail.


Anonymous said...

You know, as we were walking about Old Quarters, we walked right into this street that was full of shops selling tombstones. The man (with his small eyes and poor eyesight) thought it was something cute from afar and snapped some pics, only to realise darn, they are tombstones!

Anonymous said...

u and ur graveyard obsession. go do a graveyard tour!

imp said...

dr: hehehehehhe. but it'd have been a good capture of the Old Quarters.

fern: bleah.

Anonymous said...

if you're so morbid, won't u get your own tombstone now? hahahah.

imp said...

anon @ 5.36pm: I would have. but i prefer cremation.

Anonymous said...

actually, i find graveyards pretty serene in the day. not the night! quite scary!!! the shadows!!!

Anonymous said...

you are always so enthusiastic over tombstones!!!