Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hope It Heals Well

From only a couple of x-rays, the orthopaedic surgeon knew that he would have to operate on the man's knee. The tendons and ligaments were all ruptured. What luck he didn't break his patella! The surgeon had to rejoin the patella tendon through the bones, fiddle with the ligaments and anchor them down with bio-degradeable screws. So for the rest of this month, he will have to drag a metal brace around.

Of course it's nothing life-threatening. No biggie. Just lots of pain and perhaps a future limpIf blood and flesh doesn't freak you out, go ahead and
click on this link for an idea of how the op is done. S$8,000 + US$1,500 to repair this knee. I wonder how much Medisave will subsidize. Just 9% or so I believe.

I understand it's all for his craft. But I don't have to agree with him, not on this, among many other things related to
this trip. I still think it a foolhardy trip to begin with. I still think he should have sought treatment asap rather than drag it out for 3 weeks.

So it's rather annoying to hear how rock-star it is for him to dislocate the knee this way, how cool to do all that . I hate that blardy word. It is NOT cool.
I'll cuff the next person who says so. I don't see these, for the lack of a better word, fans, share the consequences or his pain, pay his medical bill, sponge him when he's immobilized in bed; soothe the sting from the cannulas giving him antibiotics and draining excess blood from the wounds, send him to and fro hospital, drive him around, carry his bags, put ice pack on him, wear his shoes, cut his toenails; fear for him when he trips.

These few weeks, even the friends' sympathy or empathy doesn't quiet the deep fury that I have to mask underneath the smile. My fury doesn't allow me to see the glamor in a ruptured tendon and dislocated patella. 
My fury will ebb when I see that there is no permanence in the limp.


Anonymous said... this you're so furious already, if it had been any worse, you'd be murdering people!

Anonymous said...

lighten up babe! if he doesn't think for himself, and you're tired of doing the thinking for him, leave him be. after all, he was already like that before he met u. what's the difference? don't get your knickers into a tight knot.

Anonymous said...

don't cuff me.

it was something he loved. given the choice, he'd do it all over again. i know you're angry. but i also know you didn't display it. that's the scariest part. you bore it remarkably well.

don't let it eat at you k? boys will always be boys. not completely his fault. don't stay angry with him for too long.

Ms Fair Face said...

oh dear, I learnt the hard way when I had my recent ordeal for a surgery that it is THAT expensive to get sick/operated in Singapore.

And I'm sure your guy probably regrets the delay of treatment, knowing how bad the situation is. Heh on the light side, this will let him see how good you have been to him!

imp said...

queenie: i can imagine...

fern: arrrgh!!! i'll get over it. eventually.

seth: i hate you too.

msfairface: oh...the op fees are quite cheap already! thank goodness he did this op here and not in US. that bill would rocket sky high!

ah...he doesn't regret delaying treatment. his logic is- he needs this op eventually, doesn't matter if he does it 3 weeks earlier or 3 weeks later. sigh.

Chick said...

lil' imp, this blog entry only tells me one thing. you're so in love with the man. despite all that you said... *bleah*

Anonymous said...

don't stay mad at him lah.

domestic rat said...

I have to agree that it's still probably better to do the ops in Sg. At least if there are any complications, ready help and support is available. I hate to imagine if the consequences turn bad in US and you can't fly him home asap!

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are going through but don't be angry too long, bad for health. Thanks for the advice that night. Managed to reach a compromise but then again, my health has deteoriated. Taken your advice and gave it a rest today and not delay anymore.

b.muse said...

After clicking on that op link, I can feel your fury. =/

Now just hope his recovery is swift and smooth, then you can cool down too!

Carrie said...

Um, I just had a naughty thought on how difficult 'the act' would be if he had a dislocated knee.

Hope it heals quick then!

imp said...

chick: bad chick. shut up!!!

meteor: bleah.

dr: u plucked those thoughts right out of my mind.

iceaster: good girl. rest up and get well soon.

jun: thanks!

carrie: hahahahahah!!! so true!!! before the op, it was still okay.. ;P now, we'll see. i'll go experiment and tell u!!!!

Q said...

don't forget to take care of yourself as well as you take care of him. Methinks caring for sick man deserves lots of self-congratulatory self-pampering as well. Take care

imp said...

q: thanks girl.