Monday, September 24, 2007

So Much Effort For So Little Returns

Wah. I don't even know that I owe the library an overdue fine since 2005.

Yes, yes. I'll pay it.

But it's kinda mind-boggling that the library uses an automated system to flag me as the errant user, then use this nice print-out in a tear-away envelope and S$0.23 local postage to remind me to pay S$0.15.

I'm sure the entire effort is worth more than triple of the S$0.15 overdue fine.


Anonymous said...

if u returned that book on time, the library wouldn't have had to waste all these money chasing u to pay fine!!

$0.15 x 1million of such acts = sizeable debt. bad imp.

Violet said...

so they dun charge for late charges, admin fee, etc etc?

wait... that's banks... :P

Anonymous said...

Think of the jobs it creates!

Let's see..

1) Librarian to send the letter
2) Postman to deliver letter
3) Paper, stamp and glue (for lick-n-stick envelopes) manufacturers and distributors
4) Printer and ink people (see above)
5) IT engineers to maintain the system that keeps track of how much you owe them

and also, it tries to solve the problem of unemployment, cuz you have to find work to earn money to pay them!

Little Miss Snooze said...

Heheh they no charge interest!
So did you pay up?

Me and tehpeng always joke the alarm will sound when we walk in, cos we ALWAYS overdue our books, even with the Bishan library a stone's throw away...=P

Anonymous said...

don't complain okay. like what the rest said here- got no late charges! no interest! u very lucky already!

go pay now!

Anonymous said...

not particularly efficient. but if they do get fines that run into tens of dollars or hundreds of dollars, then they cover the cost of sending a reminder to you.

kinda hoping for the best i guess, using all possible ways.

imp said...

andrew; :(

hersheys: no late charges. whew. luckily they not evil like banks like that.

JM: ah...yes! heheheheh.

lms: heheheheh. i'm not the only one! kekekekek. luckily they didn't quite raise the daily fines yet! haven't paid yet. must pay soon. otherwise i can't borrow anymore books!

opal: yes yes.

phil: what to do?! read the outstanding debt we owe the library. forgot the amount. but quite sizeable.

Ally said...

haha that's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

eh... 15cts only? There must be something wrong. I was once charged x cts then for each day and I forgotten about the book for a month.

imp said...

orientalQ: hehehhe. glad to see you around! thought u stopped the blog-reading too!

dr: dunno leh. maybe they decided to be nice.