It was a stellar cast. There was no over-acting. And I obviously love this sort of movie.
Plus plus plus.....you must have noticed the in-your-face product placement??!!! They mentioned 3 labels and majorly waved 1 bottle around. Such a silly thing. But I was so thrilled. Hee heee hee! Of course we were inspired to have a drink after the movie.
Plus plus plus.....you must have noticed the in-your-face product placement??!!! They mentioned 3 labels and majorly waved 1 bottle around. Such a silly thing. But I was so thrilled. Hee heee hee! Of course we were inspired to have a drink after the movie.
I love this slighty peaty taste. It's our whisky of the week aye.
I assume this movie is no sad ending lah!
would i NOT have seen that blatant name drop?!
kikare: actually, it does have a very sad ending. but very political. so that's the way it is. :)
meteor: of course you WOULD have seen it!
see if the sales for talisker go up remarkably!
fern: hahah! maybe?!
sounds like an interesting political movie to catch (as if I haven't had enough "politics" in the office LOLz)
hmm ... may i know how would u rate Talisker on scale of 5? thkz
slurp: ooh! it is political!!! cannot take brains out to stuff underneath seat type.
whisky! okay. must give you background. i'm not a fan of very peaty whisky like Smokehead. i prefer 18y.o bottles to 15y.o. i no like Macallan at all. i prefer the Glenlivet anyday.
i rate the Talisker 18y.o. a 3.5/5. it's slightly peaty.
imho, something similar to Talisker will be the Caol Ila, Singleton and Bruichladdich. A younger possibility is the Laphroaig 10y.o.
shit. i sound like an alcoholic.
hah! you ARE the alcoholic! till date, none of use have ever gone there ALONE to drink. YOU HAVE!
phil: SHHHH.
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