It's quite amazing how pearls and spectacles add on three years to the face. The aging effect perhaps. Whatever. At times, I welcome it.
Each time I attend meetings overseas, I do need to make every effort look older. My counterparts or my co-delegates are invariably a good decade older than I am. There's something about the age versus people's expectations of one's experience and credibility. If I couldn't quite pull off looking the part, then I would have to at least dress the part. Dunno. Dowdy maybe, but definitely conservatively. Dark colors make one's vibes feel more solemn anyway.
I also make a conscious effort to listen more than talk. We've been briefed that this should be our position at many meetings. It's good advice. I'm not particularly trained in the analytical data of this Meeting. But I could gauge the appropriate uses of the data and to that end, I need to put forth the opinions of my organization. I couldn't let certain motions pass without comment.

pearls and specs? you? haha.
goondu? you? NE-VAH!
sinlady: of course! very teacherish hor?! wahahahah. :)
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