The colleague called us over to his desk. Rather insistently, I might add. We were like, "What?!" You cannot imagine the grins when the bottle's whipped out at 3pm.
I know I know! It's a cardinal sin. The cans of Coca Cola as mixers I mean. ;p Justified it by thinking that it was blended Scotch anyway. Although the 21 y.o blended would be nice on the rocks. But we didn't exactly have ice cubes at our disposal.
Can someone please put that damn refrigerator on the wishlist for the office Santa?
I gues the office is stressed! December's strangely busy and ridiculously brain-draining for us!
Is that styrofoam cups? I have no idea why but I wanted to laugh when I saw those cups which I think is styrofoams...
Perhaps I am a snob at cups. hahaha...
jomel: they are lor! i choked a little though. paper cups would have made the whisky smell a little less synthetic! ;p
totally off topic, but my office seems very busy this dec too! sienzzzz...=p
Ahhhh I too have considered setting up a "bar" of sorts in the office for those much needed afternoon drinks on high-stress days lol
elaine: good sort of busy i hope!
karmac: HAHAH! do that! it's awesome! unless there're really strict rules about no alcohol in the office...
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