You can shove a newborn or a baby to me for the whole day- I'm cool. Throw me a toddler and I'll be nonplussed. The toddler is so so fussy till it's quite a challenge for me to deal with. I only babysit toddlers I like. HA. I not only have to adhere to the parents' rules for the child, I also have to creatively manage the child's temperament and constant pushing of the limits. Each set of parents has different rules. I must always remember the child doesn't play by my rules. Eeek.
No wonder my conviction of not wanting children stands so firm. Each time I see the friends (who're wonderful moms/dads) with children in tow, I don't get the maternal instinct thing beep. I don't even get the "I want! ....but...." So till now, I don't know how that is supposed to feel. Well, more like I hope I'll never feel that. I'm very happy playing with the friends' babies.
Like this little angel who accompanied us through brunch, shopping and mudpies with nary a whine.
and after reading what I wrote, I guess, your conviction is all the firmer! (sorry hor)
Can I shove a 12-year old boy to you?
jomel: ha. not at all. i've thought it through. i use myself as a gauge. i won't be able to handle a child like me. wahahahha. i can take 12yr old boy for a weekend and see how to brainwash. if i live in the same country as you are, i wouldn't mind taking him! we'll do sports. play guitar. see rock concerts. we'll do games. wii. whatever. so if he wants these fun weekends, he'll have to behave during the week. ;p
Sooo many parents have told me how babies are the easiest to look after. So ya, I think you are spot on there. :p
I promise Nat will be a good boy....?
yuling: ooh. k. you're going to get to toddler stage in a couple of months. it'll be fun!
lms: awwww. i'm sure he is! i'm sold already!
Heee.. She is an angel. :)
Otherwise, just offer your shoulder! :D
b.muse: give her 3 more mths. she'll be teething. then i think she'll really really LOVE chomping on my shoulder. hahah.
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