Monday, March 30, 2009

Never Use Brains

I'm highly annoyed by a work associate.

He told me he wanted Item A. I asked him specifically how and what. Satisfied that we were on the same page, I gave him the requested Item A.

Then he came back to say it was actually Item A + 2. Alright. I wasn't in the office. So I had to ask someone else to give him that Item A + 2.

When I combed through the emails today in bed and got to his, I nearly had a fit that would have seen the laptop fly out of the window.

In the end, his design people clarified that it's actually Item C that's needed. Item C is damn far away from Item A lor. It is effectively not the same thing at all. If he could have told me that from the onset, it would have saved 4 working days and 5 needless emails. Not to mention turning 1 strand of (my) hair white.

The good thing is, my team has sorted it out and kinda scolded him. I don't exactly have to say anything. I can just growl at him at home, laugh about it, go out to dinner and forget it. However, I shudder to think how communications work in his office.

Dude, you must be a first class idiot.


=eLaiNe= said...

ai... some ppl just can't say clearly what they really want....wah piang eh! =p

imp said...

elaine: yah lor.