The man will just wilt in the heat without air-conditioning. I'm okay with heat actually. I don't even bother with fans. Fans that blow directly at the face give me a headache. That said, I confess I enjoy the constant temperature air-conditioning provides.
Be it at home or in hotel rooms, the room temperature is a constant fight between the man and I. I like it warm-ish at 25 degrees (celcius). He likes it at a minimum of 20 degrees. At home, we have separate blankets. Not because I have a tendency to monopolize the quilt if we just have one. It's for a practical reason- we can't agree on the thickness of the blanket. 2 blankets solve all issues! His is a light summer comforter and mine is a heavy duvet.
I've been draconian and increased our room temperature to 25 degrees for the past 2 years. He has given up on this fight. He can't get past the energy-saving argument anyway. It lowers the electrical bills too.
To celebrate Earth Day, we will sleep without air-conditioning for 2 nights. 1 down, 1 more to go. :p
Hahaha... good effort!
We sleep without aircon period. Our utilities bill (elect+water+refuse+sewerage) never exceeds $45 (except during that period when the tariff went bonkers.
I've trained my husband not to sleep in aircon for about 2 years now. We have 2 fans in the room - one for the son and me and the other for the man exclusively. He doesn't sleep with a blanket and when it gets terribly hot like these 2 weeks, he'll disappear in the middle of the night sleeping under aircon in the study.
eveline: S$45 for utilities??!!! that is VERY VERY LITTLE! hat's off to you woman!
sesame: wow. that's something i can't do. i cannot sleep without air-con forever. unless we don't live in sgp and move to somewhere with a lesser ferocity of heat.
we sleep without the air con everyday. kids as well. but good effort on your part!
hb and i have 2 separate blankets too. grin. same issue as yours. heh.
I never sleep with the aircon on, but I got this ancient tall standing fan that makes this really creeping, cranking sound as it jerks and rotates in the still of the nite….. even when its not plugged in!!
oh yah, the only time I sleep with the air con on is in hotels.
woman, i cannot imagine sex without air-conditioning.
i can't do without air-conditioning. mozzies will eat me alive. yuck.
i'd go without aircon if it's set at 25C ! we are lucky at our place. we really do not need a/c year round.
i used to like the aircon at 25 degrees and my hubby preferred it at 18 degrees! over the years, somehow, our preference has reversed. i'm averse to heat now! haha
good effort for sleeping without air conditioning! were you able to sleep well without even a fan?
i don't think i can make it without air con. i wilt.
I have the same problem! The man used to have the aircon at 16 to 18 degrees C. Now it's a more manageable 25 degrees but it's starting to creep down again. I'ld much rather not sleep with aircon if I can choose. :)
Good for you! I have to confess, I always have the aircon on in Singapore.
Over here though, I don't think we turned on the aircon last summer at all. Even if it's really hot in the day, it cools down significantly at night.
Now heat - that's another thing :)
mistipurple: can understand!
wildgoose: aircon remote fight! last one to bed decides the temperature!
dawn: heat. well. hmmm. a fireplace can't exactly do the job.
I have the same fight too.
The last one to bed theory doesn't work for me though. Cuz he'll wake up in the middle of the night to adjust the temp. =S
For me, exhaust fan is enough to keep me cool.
moo: ahh! sneaky!!!
celcilia: saves alot in electricity!
tehpeng is such a consumer of aircon I tell you! *tsktsktsk*
Thats why our bills are high. And in contrast, his parents' bill came down (since he shifted out).
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