(He's got a trip to London scheduled very soon. So I bet you he's going to Zafferano and Locanda Locatelli.)
As interested as he is about internet recipes, I think he probably also wants to experiment with recipe books. The man always cooks a dish twice. Once to the instructions of the recipe (unless it's crap) and the second to his improvisation.
We haven't done any major dinners for the friends since January. We've been really busy- work trips and a packed social calendar and with the repairs taking up a full month, we've been lazy. I think this book will inspire him. He likes the language used in the book and how the dishes are presented to the readers. Let's see what comes out of his cooking pot after he's done with the new book.
I can just imagine wonders. :)
so envious! wonder how to make my hubby be just a little interested in cooking. i'm tired of cooking 5 days a week! ;P but fortunately he doesn't mind helping out with other household chores. hehe
I just want to say: the juxtaposition of the curious bear and the cookbook is an awesome coincidence!
Eagerly waiting for wat your man will do after devouring the whole book :)
ice: i hope so there will be!
d: your hubby excels in other ways!!!!
kikare: SO RANDOM!
celcilia: :)
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