Saturday, April 04, 2009

Singing Sappy Songs

With all his indie cred, obviously the man doesn't know a single sappy song on the guitars. Well, if given a proper tab, he'd be able to play it for you. But he hasn't been able to play by heart all the easy campfire songs because he doesn't like them! Hummmpf.

Now, there're a couple of sappy songs I commit to memory and try to practise it once in a bit. For those occasions when I do need to sing, then at least I have a repertoire to pick from.

I'm quite a pain in his ass. I'm too lazy to go play it on the piano. I'm not talented that way. I can't sing and play at the same time. It takes enormous effort. The easy way out is to make the man play the guitar for the songs I want to sing. Like tonight.

The man's playing with his PRS SE Custom. It sounded pretty much like an acoustic because its semi-hollow. When he's done with the jazz licks, I made him play Billy Joel's "Just The Way You Are".

The man tsk-ed at the online tabs. Although the tabs are in the original D, they don't sound right. D is too low for me anyway. He had to transpose it to F and put a capo on it. Yay! At least I get to sing the song in a proper key! Now, I must remember that this is the key most comfortable for me. :)

Then the man got bored and told me my singing sucks. Then he went back to play very complicated non pentatonic progression chords. Boo.


kikare said...

Wahaha, the man's got attitude one.

Anonymous said...


wildgoose said...

hahaha... at least he played some. I'm just happy if my man doesn't pla blues ALL the time, whether on the piano or the harmonica.

imp said...

kikare: got attitude MUCH!

d: bleah.

wildgoose: hehhe. only because i sulked. wahahaha. but blues and jazz are a good way to practice!! so many different complicated stuff going on!

sinlady said...

just the way you are??? heheh

imp said...

sinlady: told you it's sappy!