It was a lovely afternoon. The sun was bright but not blazing. The trees provided shade while we went charging up the slopes.
We initially wanted to play paintball in the indoor gallery. But after a day out amongst the greens, insects and mozzies notwithstanding, most of us preferred the outdoor lasertag to having leadership training in an enclosed space.
It was awesome to see how quickly everyone got into battle mode. They sprinted, ran, hid, jumped, rolled and tumbled! Strategies aplenty were discussed and tactics quickly deployed when the situation turned.
Perspiring bucketloads once in a while is good. How often do we get to experience the great outdoors?? In Singapore, I'd say, not at all. None even. At most, it's a walk in the park. We've been too pampered by air-conditioning and cars. Limited by land scarcity and geography, we don't have the luxury of hiking up a mountain or checking out the nearest creek.
Well, I'm most gleeful that while most went away with mozzie bites, I had none. HAHAHAH. Through the years, it has been proven, that in a group of humans across all ages under jungle conditions, I'd either not get bitten by any sort of mozzie or insect, or have the least number of bites.
Seeing that I was in shorts and sleeveless tee, the colleague offerred insect repellent- I rejected it! I called him a wuss, so he told me he'd wait to see how badly I would be bitten. HEH. So there! ZERO battle scars.

hmmm... i wonder what blood type you are. i think mozzies don't like O blood type, while they love A blood type. i always joke that A blood type people are my best insect repellent. ;P
d: i'm O+! maybe your theory is right!
wow. i'm A. better stay away from you. :p
mistipurple: bring portable fan to blow all mozzies away!
i am one of those who get totally eaten up by mozzies!
sinlady: EEEPs. u stay far away from forests, hear!
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