Came up from the pool all hungry and from just outside the door, smelt pungent spices from our kitchen.
I wondered what he was doing for dinner. I thought we were just going to have the leftovers from dinner the other night. There were still plenty of that bean casserole and pasta packed away in the fridge.
The man was pounding away on the lesung, making marinade for the lamb roast. Oh, okay. Lots of food coming up. Luckily I had burned off some calories.
He put me to work cutting mint leaves for the chilli yoghurt dip to go with the lamb. The mint leaves smelt beautiful, more subtle and delicate than the usual. I plucked one to play around with it. "Don't waste any leaf." He said. "These are organic at S$4 a box instead of the usual S$2.50." Wah. Okay. I plucked off what was needed and cut them very carefully. I felt quite useful.

CHEHH. cut mint leaves only. you should go slice carrots or dice onions/garlic. that would be SOMETHING!
hahaha! it's ok to start off with a little "help" in the kitchen right? =p
Next time you have to do the pounding!
btw, after watching *more* videos, I'm very happy with the way the EGM turned out, but thought the heckling and rudeness (on both sides) could have been done without... *shakes head*
Perhaps I *AM* more apathetic afterall than I thought myself to be...
jazzgal: RIGHT. let's see you do that first.
elaine: heh. yup!
kachunknorge: EEEK. pounding. OKAY LOR. i'll wear goggles. the heckling was quite scary. i admit the only person i heckled was the FEMINATOR.
Personally, I'd go for the food blender to get out of wearing goggles...
Ay, don't endow that woman with a title like Feminator, leh. It gives her Terminator-like power that she doesn't deserve.
kachunknorge: don't even get me started on how the purists will give u the lowdown on using a blender versus real pounding to infuse flavors. AHAHAahahahahah. let's not eat mentos from now on shall we?
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