It was a small venue. It was packed in, but not too crowded. Perhaps about 800 people were there. I like this sort of venue.
The band came on at 8.45 pm and opened the night with 'She's So High' and 'Girls & Boys'. The band had added a 3-men horn section and 3 back-up singers at the side to add to the layers and texture. Blur was obviously warming up for their gigs at Glastonbury Festival and Hyde Park. It was 1.5 hours of pure nostalgia and enjoyment.
Some of the friends wiggled right up front. The man and I went straight to the back- for a very good reason. Damon Albarn, with his gawdy gold chain (and gold tooth!) was flinging water at the crowd. The crowd responded by flinging right at one another- beer and whatnots. Eiooow. I no want to get wet.
2 encores of 3 songs each. The night ended on a great note of 'The Universal'.
See the little girl perched on her mommy's shoulders? She was throwing up her hands in the air all night to songs that she liked. We were absolutely tickled by this young fan.
What a night!
so JEALOUS! oh God, pls send me a good babysitter! we can only drool when we see our friends here flying up to Stockholm for Bruce Springsteen and booking their flights to Wales come August for U2. And of course, it being summer, we're reading about fortunate people like you going for concerts everywhere in europe!
D: I'm JEALOUS of you when you post those lovely photos of your walks and jaunts to the green!
And my wish is only to catch a concert in HK loh!
lms: to see andy lau!
your camera work is improving!
sinlady: HAHAH. not at all. i too lazy to bother. the camera itself is good. only i don't know how to fiddle with it.
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