While the man was hard at work, I'm very pleased that I've accomplished most of what I've come to see in the short sojourn here. The Louvre and Musée d'Orsay are the 2 museums that I always go again and again.
The girlfriend bought me the Museums and Monuments card, gave me the key to her chic apartment, told me to be good and shooed me away to the streets of Paris at Le Marais.
I headed to Rue du Temple and slightly beyond. This time, I don't even need the navigator anymore. I've a very keen sense of direction. After yesterday's walk, hard stares at the map and fairly strategic directional signs along the streets, finding everything is no sweat.
The tally is such. But I think it doesn't beat the girlfriend's record when she went to Ho Chi Minh City for a day and did EVERYTHING.
- Jacquemart-André Museum
- Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme
- Musée d'Art Juif
- Musée de la Poupée - "Au Petit Monde Ancien"
- The Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou (Beaubourg)
- Musée national d'Art Moderne (MoMA)
- Musée du Petit Palais
- Musée Carnavalet
- Musée d'Picasso
- Musée d'Orsay
- The Louvre
It's quite easy to remember the french word for condom because it reminds me just of cooking! Hee!
That's one thing I love about European museums: you can visit some of them again and again and not get bored. I hope to be able to visit some of the ones you listed, soon.
I love The Louvre and Musée d'Orsay too! Those two are always where I spend the most amount of time when I am in Pairs. :)
I love the museums there. I stumbled upon the Musee de la Poupee (doll museum) few years ago and had great fun drooling over all the dolls there. :)
eveline: hahahaha!!! that's what he said too. take some time out again soon then!
CDR: that museum creeped me out a little coz i'm not really fond of dolls. i just had to see it though. pretty and exquisite some are, i'm still creeped out. dolls and clowns terrify me.
welcome home.. soon!
glad you had a wonderful trip and to top it all, great company and friends.
That's impressive - but admit it, you could only do the Lourve so quickly, because you've been many times before :) No way could you do it so quickly if it was a first time visit :))
mistipurple: not quite! a while more.
dawn: yah lah! u is clever! the first time i visited Lourve- it lasted 1.5 days. so did the 2nd and 3rd. heeeee. till i learnt which ones were permanent and which ones were travelling.
you've had a productive time and I've enjoyed reading your travelogue and ogling at your pics!! :) :)
love Musée d'Orsay. i always hv bad luck with louvre. ;P
jomel: heee. glad to keep your reading interest here!
d: why??! can't make it there or nothing interest you?
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