I was quite mesmerized by this chess set of pirates and naval officers. So COOL! Not too sure if the pirates were each wielding a cutlass. They look more like swords to me. I love those frowns on the naval officers. Haha.
I like chess sets when they're not in the usual wooden or glass pieces proper. In fact, I don't like playing on the regular pieces and preferably not in black or white. I find it rather annoying somehow. I like playing chess with pieces in peculiar shapes.
I shall go back to take a look at that chess set again and figure out a display space for the board.
my friend plays competitive chess. he would be thoroughly distracted by these nice pieces, lol.
what's the queen piece like?
mistipurple: think he'll find these amusing!
sinlady: i didn't see actually. the other set was of fantasy, wizards and all. that queen piece i saw- a beautiful sorceress.
Hot Dang! See what you've done?? #1 saw those pieces and wanted one set for himself.
Waitaminute. It should be "See what *I've* done?" I shouldn't let #1 look over my shoulder when reading your blog! Very DANGEROUS for my pocket.
kachunknorge: WELL! i shall endeavor to write posts that are of NO interest to young boys.
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