The weather is glorious. Just a light cardigan will do. No leather jackets necessary as the sun is out and shining bright. Very nice weather to do some wandering about in the city. Bright and early I went out. Then a text came in from the girlfriend. She had sneaked away from work and arranged lunch. "We eat simple. L'Atelier Berger", she instructed. "Find me."
WIN lor. So much walking to do!!! Grrrrr. Armed with the trusty GPS navigator, a map and stopping to clarify directions, I walked and walked from my hotel all the way to 49 Rue Berger. HA. I checked the watch and felt so proud that I got there 25 minutes earlier than stated. The girlfriend narrowed her eyes at me and asked "Why so late?".
I had a mini argument with her about how I was early rather. Then something dawned on me. I forgot that Paris is one hour ahead of London. OOPS. The girlfriend rolled her eyes. No sympathy from her even though I'm new to the city. Hummpf.
haha... i often forget about 1 hr difference between UK & rest of europe too.
hur hur. I'm also on Paris time :)
i would probably reach two hours later and panting.
we all have our bimbo moments - especially when one's on vacation.
LOL that sounds exactly like something I would do! :)
anon@1.53 = yann: :P
kachunknorge: oh yes! you are!
mistipurple: no lah! the GPS is like the best! it makes things so easy!
kikare: hmmm. RIGHT. you better confess and tell me yours!
you are having very good luck with the weather! enjoy enjoy enjoy. it's been icky sticky humid back home.
oooo.. Bonjour!! I love Paris!! And I am even more jealous than before now!!! ;)
I'm so jealous! Have a good time!
I love how u update us on yor most current status. And now is Paris! I'll leave my blog hiatus if I really had a trip like yours. Keep let us track you!
sinlady: loving the weather!
jomel: I AM!
ice: you'll LOVE the pastries, cheesecakes and gelato available here.
celcilia: heh. i think the only time i can't blog is on a long trek with no net access!
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