Thursday, September 10, 2009

Would SingTel Stop Being Sneaky Already?

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I reviewed my cellphone bill for the past 2 months and got miffed at SingTel. The telco is totally irresponsible. Last year, they gave me a stupid ringback tone without my permission. Now, they bloody charge such expensive rates and still have the cheek to try to fleece me for a service I never asked for.

On the bill, SingTel billed me for this 'MP3 Music Pack' (What the fuck is that?) They claimed to have sent me a text message to advise that they've given me a free trial to the 'MP3 Music Pack' and another to advise that if I do not opt out, they'll charge for it. I've been out of town a fair bit for the past 3 months. I get useless unwanted spam advertisements over the cell on autoroam. Even if receiving messages is a free service, it's annoying. I most certainly don't recall getting any info on the 'MP3 Music Pack' shite. To the best of my knowledge, my explicit permission to bill me for this service hasn't been sought at all.

The bill stated S$5 for this month and S$9.05 for last month. I don't even know how the toot in the world they calculated the amount. The previous bills didn't even list the MP3 Music Pack down as 'free'. This listing isn't seen anywhere nor do they have the decency to send an email. I called up SingTel and told them to waive both charges and remove this useless service from my bills forever.

From now on, I've to scrutinize my SingTel bills like a hawk just to make sure they don't sneak anything else in for their year end inane Christmas promotions. What does it take for SingTel's A & P department to wake up their farking idea and get some integrity into their campaigns?

I want to switch telcos.


Jo said...

ohh.. I'll be so miffed! Like you said, where's the integrity?? geez!

ShutterBug said...

Singtel pple always do things like that.

That's why I switched to M1 since 8 years ago. If not for Singtel's power to get the exclusive for iPhone 3G + 3GS 1st, they will be bleeding money and losing customers.

We shall wait when M1/ Starhub gets the right to sell iPhones... hehehe...

tuti said...

only because my line is known to customers, otherwise snip snip off it goes too.

let me talk about the banks next.
i lined up and asked about my bank balances at st**dard ch*rt. i was told i need to pay $5 for counter enquiries and to tele-call next time. GUFFAWS!!!!!

DK said...

I thought IDA banned such practice. You can lodge a complain.

imp said...



tuti: port your numbner over to another provider. MAN, those banks are another story altogether.

DK: exactly. the opt-in scheme is legal. but not the opt-out scheme. it's against the code of conduct for telcos and ISPs. wrote in already! :)

Little Miss Snooze said...

This happened to my sister too! And poor thing, all this while, we kept thinking she was subscribing to the service! :P

I only realised AFTER I cancelled her line. Then I realised this issue was brought up often on forums!

imp said...

lms: oh dear! next time must check and double check and ask! many have complained apparently, but ST still does it on a bullying basis. NOT FAIR.

kachunknorge said...

Got "muscle" what. Of course can push lah!

imp said...

kachunknorge: they're full of shit lah.

Cavalock said...

no shit? am actually thinking of switching to singtel cos their rates r cheaper. i guess if their rates r really cheaper, this could be one way they r making up for it.

ame said...

M1 did the same thing to me the first few bills. I called many times and made so much noise, if i remember correctly, on one of the bills, even demanded a $0.05 charge be removed. Principle, not amount. it hasn't happened again since :-D

imp said...

cavalock: switch if the rates suit you. but for pete's sake, read your bills very carefully. no wonder that as net 'savvy' as i am, i still refuse to giro payments. UGH.

ame: oh lovely. i shall learn from you. Must make many noise. already informed ida and brought out the para 2.3 of the telcos' code of conduct. if emails and calls via the usual customer service hotlines don't work, i'll take it further.