It was a quirky kind of day.
However, the weather was dreadfully humid and hot. Eeeeps. Luckily we didn't have much to do outdoors. Lunch was comfortably held indoors in air-conditioning.
Since I was in a stern midnight blue sheath dress trying to channel British chic in 3-inch stilettos, I thought a homemade fascinator would be most appropriate to complete the look.
The girlfriends thought it'd be better for me to head to the salon to do my hair. I refused. I preferred to get dressed at home. I like doing my own hair. :)
I was a tad worried that the hairpiece would look cheapo. After all, it cost less than S$10 to put together. I saw some lovely ones in London and Paris. But I refused to fork out £120 or €90 for one. After a while, I wasn't bothered anymore. No one would be coming up that close to peer at my handiwork.
But yes, I like this sort of look rather than the flouncy party dress poofy image. I tried those dresses and was totally horrified by the images in the mirror. I looked like a ridiculous cupcake in those clothes. You know how I don't fancy colors. This boring fashion style works for me.

chic, and quiet elegance.
you're a fun person. i likey.
Randomness... imp you don't eat sharks' fin. How about sharks' bone cartilage soup? I like Hua Ting's.
Yes!! Very you! More pls... *grin*
Nice! wht brand is ur shades? i been looking at getting something like that.
Very chic!! Doesn't look homemade at all! Can sell for the prices you saw abroad :)
I've got quite a few hair pieces myself. Short hair is fun!
tuti: :D
ice: i've tried the soups. fantastic. hai tien lou's r good. but nowadays i don't. don't really want to eat sharks coz i dive, i really like to see sharks and i like sharks. :)
jomel: i try to look for more pics lah!
lovexlb: those r frm Hugo Boss. my other fav brand is Chanel. Somehow, these 2 brands fit on my non existent nose bridge.
corsage: thank u! heee. maybe i should make a few for you girls if you don't mind them?
cherie: wieeee! very fun indeed! i tried hairbands and thought i really didn't look good. hairpieces r still okay!
Hope you had a great lunch!
I do believe you look great in block colours though!
You looked great and lunch was lovely!
Dang! I missed the opprotunity! I was so tempted to make one for you and surprise you but wasn't too sure you'd go for it. Love 'the look' btw =D
kachunknorge: YAYY!
kikare: i love block colors coz they work best on me curvy figure! at least i don't look fat!
dawn: and we love you.
belinda: AHH! can i be shameless and still say I WANT! hehehhe.
Definitely! Why not .... ;p
belinda: awww!!! many many thanks. only and if inspiration strikes whenever. :D big big hugs and kisses to you.
Yes agree with Dawn.. You look gorgeous! Very chic! The fascinator was a perfect touch. =)
Its looking g-r-e-a-t!
One of the rare shots we see your face! Very nice and chic.Am tempted to try these hair pieces too, but don't really have a chance to.
b.muse: thanks babe! everyone looked great!
pebbles: thanks!
hobomobo: haha. and only because it's covered by big sunnies! grab a chance to try it one day!
It's VERY nice! You carry it off soooo well!!
stylish, yes! boring, NEh-Vah!
yuling: thank you girl!
sinlady: you're sweet! yay!
you look great! =)
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