These traditional skirts are accepted work wear at formal functions. The skirts could either be topped by a cotton jacket for the day, a dressier version with a sheen for the evening, or simply silk.
I understand that women in Lao wear mostly skirts because of the heavy humidity. Pants are simply not practical because they stick to the legs. Eeeeeps. Jeans and pants are not exactly the best clothes to pack if you're travelling around ASEAN countries in summer heat and not going to be in air-conditioning often.
Maybe I should go browse the stalls at the Morning Market to see if I can get one or two for my ASEAN wardrobe. There is this portion termed 'ASEAN' in my wardrobe. Alot of my work trips take me around the region. There will also be formal dinners on these trips. The problem is, the usual clothes I fancy can't quite fit the occasions. I prefer to go dowdy to try to look older and not so conspicuous.
So I've accumulated clothes that I won't normally wear unless it's on a work trip- strange cheong sam tops, kebaya tops, etc; gaudy (some) selections of colors and easy tops/pants that won't crease when squashed into a suitcase and still look good enough for fancy dinners which don't require a Chanel clutch as an accessory or stilettos on the feet.
We'll see if I can move my lazy ass to go shopping. I definitely want to look around and take in the sights and sounds of Vientiane, not to lose myself in knick knacks and shops. Although I think it's a great idea to contribute to the economy of Lao PDR in a small way. Heh. That sentence sounds completely contradictory.
go shop if you can bring yourself to. there will be occasions for you to wear those clothes. will be fun too.
those wrap or draw string skirts are really versatile and can be dressed up or down. get some. they make lovely gifts too :) and no need to dress oldish mah. these skirts just makes you timeless. convinced yet? hehehe
Ha, I too have an ASEAN compartment in my wardrobe during the uni days! The casual ones though - fisherman pants, sarongs, punjabi suits, wrap skirts, tops, silk, scarves. Heh. Agree with sinlady, I think they're pretty timeless. And you carry them off well too!
tuti: see if i'm in the mood!
sinlady: true! they're not quite my style though!
yuling: wahhhaa. keep all these. they're easy casual wear!
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